Tharaka Nithi County Director of Education Ms. Bridget Wambua has confirmed the closure of Mukuuni Boys High School in Chuka/Igambang’ombe constituency.
Speaking to the press Ms. Wambua said the school was closed yesterday after several students developed stomach pains and diarrhoea from last week which is feared to be cholera.
According to her, the situation worsened the beginning of this week which led to at least 3 students being admitted in hospital and 40 others affected.
“On Monday more students started to complain of stomach discomfort where some were taken to the hospital where they got treated and were returned to school but for this week , three students were admitted at Chuka cottage hospital, one has already been discharged and allowed to go home,” Ms. Wambua said.
She further reported the school was suspecting the water being used in school could have been contaminated by pipe breakages from road construction activities going on around the school noting that as a ministry they did not have a conclusive report until the public health officers summed up their investigation.
The school will be closed until the next term where students are expected to sit for the end of term exams when they re- open.