In a landmark decision today, the Chuka Law Court handed down a 3-month prison sentence to the notorious bhang peddler known as “Ms. Lilian Nkirote Kimathi,” alias “Wacama.”
Ms. Kimathi was found in possession of 300 grams of bhang, marking a significant development in the ongoing battle against drug and substance abuse in Chogoria and its surrounding areas.
The arrest and subsequent sentencing of Ms. Kimathi were the result of diligent efforts by local law enforcement and Nyumba Kumi officials.
Chogoria Chief George Mutembei revealed that Ms. Kimathi had been playing cat and mouse games with security officers and Nyumba Kumi members for quite some time before finally being apprehended.
The breakthrough in Ms. Kimathi’s case came when a concerned member of the public decided to speak out.
This brave individual alerted authorities, leading to her eventual arrest and conviction.
Chief Mutembei expressed his commitment to the ongoing battle against drug and substance abuse in Chogoria town and its neighboring localities signaling that the fight against drug-related crimes would persist, and the community would stand strong in their quest for a safer and drug-free environment.
The sentencing of Ms. Lilian Nkirote Kimathi sends a clear message to others involved in drug peddling that the authorities and the community are determined to put an end to their illegal activities, ensuring the safety and well-being of Chogoria’s residents.