Parents of Wiru Mixed Day Secondary School in Maara Constituency are demanding the immediate transfer of the school Principal Mr. Karanja Kung’u after the school posted poor results in the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.
In a stakeholder meeting at the school on Saturday 11 January, the parents noted that the school had been turned into a dumping site for students who had transferred from other schools due to indiscipline and poor performance, with the Principal prioritizing the government’s 100% transition over good results.
The parents blamed the Principal for the high number of indiscipline cases witnessed among the students, a challenge that they insist is a major contributor to the poor examination results witnessed over the years since Mr. Karanja took over in 2020.
According to Mike Mbogo, and alumni of the school, most of the students who had the potential of attaining university entry grades have ended up performing below expectations, raising concern over the priorities and leadership of the school where 15 students had been admitted with over 300 marks in KCPE, while 41 students had between 250-300 marks in admission. 16 0ther students had been admitted with 200-250 marks.
The examination results analysis revealed an extreme negative deviation by top performers, where a student admitted in the school with 360 marks got D, while another admitted with 347 in KCPE got a D+.
In yet another case, a student admitted to the school with 300 marks got a D-, in an examination that saw the school register 8 E’s
In the overall grade, the school recorded 3 C, 11 C-, 16 D+, 26 D, 45 D- and 8 E with a total mean score of 2.8716 from 109 students.
“We had written a letter to the Ministry of Education, Teachers Service Commission and other relevant stakeholders highlighting the issues in the school but our demands have never been met. We have issues that need to be addressed. Students have high levels of indiscipline. Students are willing to transfer from better schools to come her since there is freedom. Most of our students have wasted their potential. We need a strict Principal who can deliver results”, Mbogo highlighted.
Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki who was present in the stakeholder meeting noted that delocalization of teachers had affected most schools in the past, with most Principals not being motivated with student performance since they did not come from the area.
The MP noted that most of the schools were back to their feet and had stabilized due to homegrown leadership and that he had already spoken to Mr. Karanja who had agreed to take immediate leave.
“Let the school be now handed over to the Deputy Principal. We are not against the 100% transition the Principal had prioritized but we want to ensure that students not only get good grades but also acquire great character. You can’t say that grades or discipline is not important”, he said.
MP Kareke said they were working to see a peaceful and smooth transition for a new Principal at the school.
“Wiru Mixed Day Secondary has been one of the best day schools we have and was a top school in transitioning students to university. How now can it be among the worst performing? There is a time where we must say enough is enough and I agree with the parents that Karanja must go”, he added.