Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has revealed that the state of devolution in the county is sound and robust, with a significant economic growth in the Gross County Product (GCP) from KShs 52.4 billion in 2018 to KShs 78 billion and an increase of own source revenue from KShs 75 million in 2016/17 to KShs 417 million recorded in 2022/23.
Through a state of the county address at the County Assembly chamber on Tuesday, 03 December, Governor Njuki highlighted major developments in the Agriculture, Health, Water, Trade and Infrastructure sectors while reflecting on measures and progress achieved in the realization of the county development agenda.
In Agriculture, the governor said over 120,000 farmers have benefited from the bi-annual climate resilient certified seeds distribution program that has run for 9 seasons, delivering high quality farm inputs to improve food security and productivity.
Through the procuring of soil testing equipment, over 3000 farmers have been supported for remote scanning, aimed at enhancing the quality and quantity of produce in the lower, middle and upper agroecological zones in the county.
In a bid to reduce post-harvest losses and promote value addition, Governor Njuki said his administration has established and equipped value addition structures at Kiini in Mitheru Ward and Muringa Banana Value Addition Centre in Mwimbi.
The county has additionally provided coffee solar driers to Kirumi Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Ganga. Banana ripeners have been supplied to Chuka Banana Value Addition Group, Mwitethia Banana Value Addition Group in Chogoria, Mukothima Banana Cooperative and Kanjudi Banana Cooperative in Nkondi Ward.
In the provision of the last mile fertilizer distribution, the county government has established two more distribution centres at Kirumi in Ganga and Magutuni in Mwimbi Ward.
Through a partnership with Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), the county government has recently distributed over 100 tons of cotton seeds to farmers, with a guaranteed minimum return of KShs 72 per kilogram, from KShs 52/kg. The governor in his speech called on farmers to embrace cotton farming as an alternative cash crop, which will boost household incomes.
In partnership with Aquaculture Business Development Programme (ABDP), more than 1200 farmers have been supported with over 300 metric tons of fish feeds, fingerlings, pond liners and freezers.
In addition, 70 tea buying centres across the county have been modernized and renovated, over 75,000 cattle inseminated through the artificial insemination services and over 60,000 livestock vaccinated.
In the health sector, maternity blocks at Kaanwa and Kaare dispensaries have been renovated, completion of a dispensary at Iriani in Mitheru Ward, establishment of laboratory services at Miomponi Dispensary and completion of a maternity at Kiamucii Dispensary in Mugwe Ward are key milestones achieved by the Njuki administration.
The governor announced partnered service delivery through specialized clinics run across the county to impact healthcare. Through the MPESA Foundation and iHope, two medical camps were organized in Magumoni and Karingani wards, serving more than 3000 residents.
In his address, Governor Njuki announced that the roll out of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Project (CLIP) with support from Clinton Health Access Initiative had ensured timely, accurate and accessible laboratory services, through operationalization of the Chuk Level 5 hospital laboratory.
In addition, the county government has brough services closer to the people and reduced diagnosis through the help of Metropolis Star Labs where over 2000 samples are collected monthly from 1200 in 2023.
The county has also developed 7 strategic policy documents in the health sector to promote management of curative and rehabilitative care and encourage preventive and promotive care in health facilities.
In the Water sector, Governor Njuki announced that his administration had commissioned over 55 smart taps through the Ewater Sustainable Water Access Program based in Nkondi, Geikuri and Kaareni, providing over 7000 households with clean water.
Through a partnership with the African Development Bank and Tana Water Works Development Agency, the Chuka Bulk Water Supply project which supplies 15 million litres daily, Chuka and Chogoria sewerage systems have been completed.
The governor also announced a KShs 50 million subsidy to the Nithi Water and Sanitation Company to enhance affordability and access to water in the county.
Under his regime, 185 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) classes have been constructed, with 512 ECDE teachers recruited in the 15 wards.
In Roads and Infrastructure, over 2000 kilometres of roads have been improved in the county, more than 60 bridges and drifts constructed, and 150 high mast floodlights installed.
Other key projects in the county include, the construction of the county assembly through a new contractor, construction works at Kajiunduthi, Rwatha and Kibugua stadiums, relocation of Kathwana Prison to Kabariange to pave way for a level 5 facility at Kathwana, construction of an Airstrip at Itugururu, and the relocation of the Chuka dumpsite from the CBD to Ntuntuni.